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A high-quality computing curriculum equips children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Children are taught the principles of information; how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.

Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate - able to use and express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology - at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

We use the DFE 'Teach Computing' programme to deliver our discrete computing lessons. We also incorporate computing within other areas of the curriculum.

Aspects covered are:

  • Programming
  • Algorithms
  • Computer networks and the internet
  • Searching digital content
  • Selecting, using and combining software

And one of our main, most important aims, is to ensure children use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly, recognising acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and being able to identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact. These are reinforced regularly through our e-Safety lessons and within our PSHE curriculum as well.

Technology may be used to record your child for assessment purposes or observing behaviour, and for general historical recording, including Academy and LA publications. Photographs of children may be used by local newspapers and educational publications. E-safety awareness is constantly highlighted to children.

As a school, we are working hard to incorporate technology more and more within our teaching and learning. We now have 3 class sets of iPads in school which are used throughout school from Reception to Year 6. All class teachers have completed their Apple Teacher badges, and this training is now being rolled out to all Teaching Assistants, to ensure that all staff can support pupils in the effective use of technology both competently and confidently.


As a school, we use Showbie to help build a digital portfolio of your child’s learning experiences. The platform is used by a great number of schools across the country and is built by educators on a safe and secure footing meaning that children’s work and assignments are safely stored in line with data protection regulations.

Showbie is a well known and widely used app(Website) used by teachers to assign, collect,  and review pupil's work. It is accessible using a secure login and password system and can be accessed from almost any device that connects to the internet.

Showbie keeps pupil's work organised by classes and assignments. At a glance, children can see their upcoming assignments and due dates so they can prioritise their work.

Pupils can provide responses to tasks or annotate worksheets directly in the app in the form of text comments, the pen tool (which allows them to draw and write directly on the page) and pinned voice notes. In addition to this, teachers can provide marks, as well as rich feedback in the form of voice notes, annotations and videos.

We hope that you find the platform easy to use and look forward to sharing the children's work. Please contact your child's class teacher if you have any problems or queries.

Subject on a Page

Computing Subject on a Page.pdf