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School Clubs

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club provision runs every day from 7:45am and is led by Mrs Cathy Edwards and Miss Caitlin Morris.

Breakfast Club costs £3.00 per session and payments should be made on Arbor.

If your child requires breakfast, they need to arrive before 8:05am.

After-School Wraparound Provision is an extension to the school day and provides additional childcare for working parents.

Further information is included on the leaflet below.

All spaces must be booked and paid for in advance on Arbor.

After-School Wraparound Provision

After School Clubs

All after-school clubs are run half termly and set up on Arbor. You can join, enrol, give permission and pay for your child's club using Arbor. Payment needs to be made to secure your child's place in the club.

Throughout the year, sports practice and skills sessions are held after the academic day through after-school clubs. These clubs are run by school staff as well as external companies, such as POSH.

Inter-school matches in football, netball, cricket and athletics are also arranged where possible.

Other activities linked to the curriculum are organised after the academic day: for example, art, cookery, cross-stitch. These clubs involve a cost and some are run by Teaching Assistants.

During the Autumn and Spring terms, our Year 6 ambassadors organise and run a variety of lunchtime clubs which they deliver to our younger pupils.