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Packed lunches

As a school, we promote healthy lunchboxes, and encourage children to eat a balanced diet and drink lots of water so they are fit and ready to learn.

We like children to have a variety of items in their lunched boxes, however we suggest they are limited to 5 items, including a drink, so they can eat it in time and still get plenty of time to enjoy the fresh air with their friends!

To clarify our expectations, packed lunches can include anything, as long as there are no:

  • Fizzy drinks
  • Nuts - we are a nut-free school. This includes things that may contain traces of nut.
  • Sweets and large chocolate bars.
  • We do allow children to have a small chocolate bar, cake or biscuit but please limit this to one a day.
  • Crisps - again, limited to one packet per day.

Healthy lunchbox ideas for parents